Double Majors: Is It Worth the Time and Effort?

Selecting a college major is tough. Your choice will tell how well you do at the university. You might shift to another if you are not gratified or passionate enough. Another factor is the question of hireability after college. For some, it’s the passion for the intersection of two subjects; however, getting one major will not teach enough about that intersection.

Some university students go for two majors. Attempting to get a degree is not exactly a walk in the park, so getting two might be almost twice as hard. Read on to know if it is for you.

What is a double major?

Getting a double major means graduating with a bachelor’s degree in two subjects or areas. These majors can either be related or entirely different. However, the primary and secondary majors can be more beneficial if they complement each other.

A student needs to finish the required coursework for both majors. Normally, the student must finish all the primary major requirements. As for the second major, the student may be required to take just the major courses unless advised to take more electives.

Tips on Choosing Majors

Before declaring a double major, top Canadian university students need to talk to a counselor. It takes proper research and the correct mindset to dive into this. Here are ways to make sure you also make an informed decision.

Know Yourself

The important reasons are all personal. You ought to know about your abilities, interests, passions, and personal values when you look at yourself. Perhaps you are looking into gender studies but may feel strongly about health studies, too. These intertwine with each other, and what comes from these will show you your path.


The internet has a plentiful resource of information from different colleges and universities like Mount Allison. Free assessments and exams are on their sites to help you with your options. Check on the availability of programs and the compatibility of your choices. Not all universities encourage dual majors, so discover other possibilities.

Ask Questions

These questions all concern the future. These might likewise provide you with good foresight. Ask yourself these:

  • Will I enjoy work related to my majors?
  • Will I be employable?
  • Will there be a demand for my skills and knowledge?
  • Will it pay me well?

If your responses satisfy you, you can proceed with your decision.

Talk to People

Find individuals that can share their experiences and suggestions. Whether it be about the courses involved or the time spent studying, understanding more about what’s in store can help you decide.

The Pros and Cons of Double Majoring

There are always benefits and downsides to everything. Double majoring can impact a student’s life in so many ways, both positively and negatively. Here are some that you should know.

The Pros

  • Study habits, time-management skills, and critical thinking are strengthened.
  • Time and tuition are saved when required classes overlap.
  • The new understanding that comes with the intersection of your two interests.
  • More options for employment due to a broader range of skill sets and knowledge.
  • With more opportunities, you can choose the best place to start your career.

The Cons

  • It might take longer to graduate.
  • You may miss out on getting electives you wish to explore.
  • If time is mismanaged, one or both majors might suffer.
  • There is less time for extracurricular activities.

The Takeaway

Getting a double major will be challenging for some and practical for others. It will make more sense if you see yourself working in a field or position where you will rely on what you have actually learned from the majors. Also, if the learnings from both can appease one’s quest for knowledge, it can really be fulfilling