From the current 2019 NBA finals in which the underdog Toronto Raptors won their first and only NBA Championship, there were other significant headlines surrounding the 6 match series then the victories themselves. I believe that nobody could argue that had these cases not happened then the outcome might have been substantially different. There were two career changing and string ending injuries that happened in Games 5 and 6 which changed the dynamic of the gameplay. 1 injury occurred to a player who will agree at the time was the best player on the planet, Kevin Durant. Another injury was to one of the biggest 3 point shooters ever Klay Thompson.
Injuries to the top performing athletes In sports has become a frequent occurrence over the last few years. As a result of this we’re seeing the highest paid and most talented basketball players from several countries opt out of this world cup coming up at the end of August. The objective of players doing so is to secure their long term future in the NBA rather than risk injury in the pursuit of playing for their country. To most people these regular shock injuries might seem odd since technology and innovative training methods have been at an all time popularity.
A few straightforward reasons come to mind as to why this is occurring. The first one is Food. Nutrients found in food is at an all time low. A little example is cashews. The magnesium content in cashews has dropped 70 percent since the 1970’s. This is all because of commercial farming. The spraying of pesticides and herbicides on plants and soil is impacting the nutrients. Fruits and vegetables grown from the soil are seeing a huge drop in nutrient value. These compounds also affect our meats, together with the animals we consume from feeding off vegetation from the damaged soil or living off highly processed grains. Its also a subject of discussion concerning the amount the steroids used to increase animal size for sale, in addition to the use of antibiotics once the animals are ill which is causing more distress to the animals health compared to decades before them. There has been evidence that our organic farms aren’t as nutrient dense as they once where. The reason being that the compounds from neighbouring commercial farms are being transmitted through the atmosphere and on the organic farms.
Interestingly enough, is how this isn’t only affecting our current athletes but how it will affect our future players. Studies have shown that eating highly processed foods influences both the 2nd and third generations. The study that is published as Pottengers cats revealed cases of deformities, illness, and even blindness from the cats because of eating processed meats, affecting the livelihood of descendants all of the way down to the third generation of cats. You just have to ask yourself about the increasing rate of disease from the people around you to understand what’s happening in our world.
The second reason of the frequent and serious injuries is that the training programming and exercises which are being prescribed to athletes nowadays. Coaching has’allegedly’ taken leaps in improving performance. Using balance training, electrical machines and gimmicks are implemented to what’s supposed to be stimulating the co-ordination and strength of an athlete to be successful in a specific sport when that ability is depended on. However, I’m yet to see a study where single legged balance training such as can improve speed, agility and strength. I will bet all of my money that the athlete gets really good at only legged balance training but not really a carry over to some motion in the game. On the reverse side you find numerous studies that enhancing the strength in a squat as yet another example can improve vertical jump, heartbeat and deceleration. Unfortunately, it could be another 10 years before study demonstrates that all of those composed and so called creative ways to train an athlete are certainly not superior to good old strength training. Training which has been made famous by some of the worlds strongest men in the 1900’s is slowly making it’s way into combative sports and has been demonstrated already to creating athletes stronger in mixed martial arts in addition to American football.
Athletes are athletes since they’re already good at what they do. Most likely they’re already highly skilled, powerful and fast. All they want is a little advice on the best way best to prevent injury through enhancing the nutrients they eat and construct their capacity to train with weights correctly. This information isn’t just likely to greatly enhance their strength but also their joint ethics, freedom and reactive forces on the ground. Improvements in these classes will improve an athletes, Strength, Agility and speed together with injury prevention and healing period. That’s a priceless amount to cover towards an athlete’s durability in their game.
There are a few straightforward measures to follow that can allow you to become the best version of yourself. If you are an athlete or just want to help safeguard our future generations from illness and harm these changes can only have positive effects on you, you are kids and teaching those around you. The first is to eat organic wholefood as much as possible by living by the 80/20 rule. 80% organic and 20% conventional. If you want a sure fire way to discover which foods are the safest to eat, all you will need to do is Google the clean 15 to your country. It’s the top 15 foods which are the least sprayed with pesticides and insecticides. If you also wish to be aware of the foods to stay away from,then Google the dirty dozen to your country. These are 12 of the most chemically laden create locally.
The moments tip is to get a excellent mentor who will teach you the right mechanics on the operation lifts that will make you stronger for your particular sport. A person who also has the specialisation of some kind of muscle release technique will also greatly improve mobility and prevent injury. Search for A.R.T Practitioners in your area.
The end result of the extreme injuries that happened this season in the NBA Finals will alter the course of the NBA for years to come and has already started taking place. The preparation of even more load direction for its star players and possibly more rest days between matches appears to be a move in the right direction for all those involved. I wonder if they will look more in the off field conditions affecting the athletes.
Kevin Durant will overlook 12 weeks of action and he’ll aim to return the exact same player he was before the accident, however statistics are against him. Most players returning from an achilles tear never appear to return to their very best basketball. Kobe Bryant, the latest and probably best known basketball player was a victim to this nasty accident and like Kevin Durant, this occurred while doing a move on the court. Kobe was shortly to retire a couple of years later when performing at a high level could no longer be attained. Klay Thompson will be out of action for 6 weeks with an ACL tear and background of that sort of injury is that it’s probably to be re-injured. ACL tears are the most common injury in sports which we see now.
We can only hope that trainers tone down the impact they have on an athletes body and aim to only make it more durable. For your information attempt to Google Kevin Durant’s shooting warmup routine. It is made of twists, pivots, single legged jumps and spins in the air. In my view, all those movements should be stored for the game and not be taking up mileage to get your system in a workout or warm up routine. My synopsis is that in about 10 years from now there’ll be research to the measuring of some extent, the mileage that a body can take before its serious risk of harm. Hopefully we will see if making athletes looking more into their nutrition become more of a focus point and they save all of the other stuff for moves on the field, court or practice area.
On a note I don’t know the amount of those athletes nutrition but as science has shown with the Pottenger’s cats research, is that it probably started with their ancestors two to three generations ago. Funnily enough that could take us back to the time of the growth of commercial farming in the U.S.
I hope this information has pointed a great deal of people in the proper direction to their health and performance. We’re just as good as the knowledge and fuel that we obtain.